Csaba Varga(1941-- )
After having graduated at P閏s in law in 1965, Csaba Varga joined the Institute for Legal Studies of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences in Budapest as a researcher in legal philosophy, where he is now distinguished as a scientific adviser. He started teaching legal philosophy at E鰐v鰏 Lor醤d University in Budapest in the early '80s, where he was appointed a professor in 1992. As a senior political adviser to the first free-elected prime minister of Hungary after the fall of communism, he could take part in the re-foundation of the Catholic University in Hungary during the early '90s. Serving also as one of the founders of its Faculty of Law, he became the director of its Institute for Legal Philosophy in 1995 to develope one of the most demanding curricula for teaching theoretical subjects in law in Europe.
By instituting the National Branch of the International Association for Philosophy of Law and Social Philosophy (IVR) in Hungary in 1975, by launching the series of "Jogfiloz骹i醟 / Philosophiae Juris" in 1988 (now with some forty volumes regularly reprinted and widely used in both research and education), by organising international conferences under the aegis of the IVR and the International Institute for the Sociology of Law at O馻ti (Guipuzkoa, Spain), by managing TEMPUS projects within the European Union PHARE program within the scheme of some thirty Western European partners in legal philosophy, he may have contributed to revitalise theoretical legal thinking in his country.
As a founding board member of several journals (including Current Legal Theory, Ratio Juris as well as Legal Theory), as an associate to the International Academy of Comparative Law and as a contributor to both the Dictionnaire encyclop閐ique de th閛rie et de sociologie du droit (Paris-Brussels) and The Philosophy of Law An Encyclopedia (New York-London), he is honoured by professorship having visited Lund, Canberra, Waseda/Tokyo, Yale/New Haven, Edinburgh, M黱ster and Stockholm, as well as by frequent guest lecturing and conference participation.
In addition to a number (catalogued in the bibliographies included herewith) of books he authored/edited also in English and papers he published at international fora too, his publications include
- Paradigms of Legal Thinking (Budapest: Akad閙iai Kiad?1999) [Philosophiae Iuris]
- European Legal Cultures [with Volkmar Gessner & Armin H鰈and] (Aldershot, Brookfield USA, Singapore, Sydney: Dartmouth 1996) [TEMPUS Textbook Series on European Law and European Legal Cultures 1]
- A Theory of the Judicial Process The Establishment of Facts (Budapest: Akad閙iai Kiad?1995)
- Transition to Rule of Law On the Democratic Transformation in Hungary (Budapest: Lor醤d E鰐v鰏 University Faculty of Law Project on Comparative Legal Cultures 1995)
- Law and Philosophy Selected Papers in Legal Theory (Budapest: Lor醤d E鰐v鰏 University Faculty of Law Project on Comparative Legal Cultures 1994)
- Marxian Legal Theory (Aldershot, Hong Kong, Singapore, Sydney: Dartmouth & New York: The New York University Press 1993) [The International Library of Essays in Law & Legal Theory, Schools 9]
- Comparative Legal Cultures (Aldershot, Hong Kong, Singapore, Sydney: Dartmouth & New York: The New York University Press 1992) [The International Library of Essays in Law & Legal Theory, Legal Cultures 1]
- Codification as a Socio-historical Phenomenon (Budapest: Akad閙iai Kiad?1991)
- The Place of Law in Luk醕s' World Concept (Budapest: Akad閙iai Kiad?1985, 21998)
- 'La Codification ?l'aube du troisi鑝e mill閚aire' in M閘anges Paul Amselek com. d'org. G閞ard Cohen-Jonathan, Yves Gaudemet, Robert Hertzog, Patrick Wachsmann, Jean Waline (Bruxelles: Bruylant 2005)
- 'Change of Paradigms in Legal Reconstruction (Carl Schmitt and the Temptation to Finally Reach a Synthesis)' in Scandinavian Studies in Law 48 (2005)
- 'The Hart-phenomenon' Archiv f黵 Rechts- und Sozialphilosophie 91 (2005) 1
- 'Buts et moyens en droit' in Giovanni Paolo II Omaggio dei giuristi a Sua Santit?a cura di Aldo Loiodice & Massimo Vari (Roma: Bardi Editore & Libreria Editrice Vaticana 2003)
- 'What is to Come after Legal Positivisms are Over?' in Theorie des Rechts und der Gesellschaft Festschrift f黵 Werner Krawietz, ed. Manuel Atienza et al. (Berlin: Duncker & Humblot 2003)
- 'Structures in Legal Systems: Artificiality, Relativity, and Interdependency of Structuring Elements in a Practical (Hermeneutical) Context' La structure des syst鑝es juridiques dir. Olivier Mor閠eau & Jacques Vanderlinden (Bruxelles: Bruylant 2003)
- Transition to rule of law constitutioinalism and transitional justice challenged in central & eastern Europe Krater Muhely Egyesulet., 2007.