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2012International Conference on Law and Society will take place in Hilton Hawaiian Village Honolulu, Hawai¡®i(USA)
June 5-8, 2012
Honolulu, Hawai¡®i (USA)
We invite you toparticipate in the 2012 International Conference on Law and Society: Joint Annual Meetings of the Law and Society Association andthe Research Committee onSociology of Law (International Sociological Association), co-sponsored bythe Canadian Lawand Society Association (CLSA), the JapaneseAssociation of Sociology of Law (JASL), and the Socio-Legal Studies Association (SLSA),UK.
The Call forParticipation and Submission Site* will be available on October 5, 2011.
Deadline forsubmission of proposals is December 6, 2011.
Proposals forIndividual Papers and Fully-Formed Sessions are welcome.
THEME: SociolegalConversations across a Sea of Islands
Building on aphrase coined by noted Polynesian scholar Epeli Hau¡®ofa, our conference themealludes both to the location of our meeting in Hawai¡®i with its complexcultural and legal terrain and contemporary struggles over sovereignty andindigenous rights; and to the uniqueness of this opportunity for scholars fromthe Asia-Pacific region, Europe, North America, and other world regions toengage in conversation. So we seek papers, panels, and roundtables aimed atstimulating conversations that will build bridges across the seas of law andsociety and at the same time redirect their currents; about issues and ideasthat are at once locally grounded and globally relevant; that seek to make thefamiliar strange and the strange familiar; that cross national, cultural, anddisciplinary boundaries.
Our theme isbroad, encompassing socio-legal concerns both familiar (such as courts andlitigation, legal education, health, legal pluralism) and novel (such asindigenous peoples, finance and economy, war and human security, immigration,counter-terrorism, transnational regulation, globalization, andrecolonization). Please see below for a non-exhaustive list of possibletopics. They are examples only. Other law and society topics arewelcome.
We look forward toreceiving your submissions.
Courts andlitigation, including the recent flourishing of new kinds of judicialmechanisms (e.g. constitutional and administrative courts) and the importationof others (e.g. juries and lay judges).
The training of ahighly qualified, independent, and incorruptible judiciary.
Gender issues inlaw and society.
Legal educationand the legal profession, the careers of lawyers, and recent trends aimed atreform or transformation of training and credentialing.
Indigenouspeoples, including their connection to such issues as human rights, naturalresources, migration, self-government, children, adoption, and identity. The PCencourages papers and panels in which the experiences of native peoples inHawaii are connected to experiences of indigenous peoples in other worldregions, particularly in Asia and the Pacific.
Religion and law;new theories of secularism; religious and secular law.
Regulation,including new forms of non-governmental and trans-national regulatoryapproaches and their relationship to traditional national regulatorymechanisms.
Health, includingHIV-AIDS, healthcare policy, aging.
Financial markets,trade, foreign investment, and the global impact of the financial crisis in abroad range of areas that are of interest to sociolegal scholars.
Immigration andthe unprecedented flows of workers across national boundaries throughout theworld
Human security,violence, war, dispossession, refugees.
Security,technologies of security, governmentality, counter-terrorism.
East-West dialogueconcerning different legal orders and models of law; impact of globalization ondifferent legal traditions.
New concepts oflegal pluralism and legal culture in relation to new forms of legal ordering.
Colonialism,globalization, and recolonization.
The United Nationsand other transnational bodies, especially in relation to global governance,international conflict, and peacekeeping.
CONFERENCEADMINISTRATION: The Executive Office of the Law and Society Association willprovide central administration for the meeting, which willinclude: submission procedures, meeting registration, exhibits,accommodation options, meeting schedule, meeting room assignments, letters tosupport visa application, and other attendance planning matters.
*SUBMITTING APROPOSAL Both the 2012 Proposal Submission Site and Meeting Registrationwill be accessible through LSA¡¯s ¡°UserServices¡± Site, requiring just one login account for all meetingservices. Beginning October 4, a link to the submission site will appearin the menu after you log in to ¡°User Services.¡± (Meeting Registration will beavailable in early winter.)
We lookforward to seeing you in Hawai¡®i!